Saturday, June 20, 2009

Oh, boy do I have a lot to say this time

My goodness, a lot can happen in a short time. I have been working on a "Scrapbook" of sorts called Fairy Fashion, (of course) and I am almost done with it. I have put all my Fairy drawings together with my fairy ideas and made them into a book.

Almost all my drawings were not colored, and I wanted them to be, so I copied all my drawings and colored the copies multiple times to find the perfect color scheme for each one.
Then I scanned in all the good coloring jobs and adjusted each one's size on the computer and printed them out again. I cropped them and that was the basic finish for the drawing part of Fairy Fashion.

Then came the "made up knowledge" part of the scrapbook. I have to admit that creating a whole style of clothing and a bunch of strange lands for fairies had some challenges, but it took about four years to come up with it. I made it in the style of a nature journal and even have sample scraps of fabric from fairy clothes in it.

I am going to enter it into our county fair through 4-H in the imagination category so maybe this project is going to really be worth all the effort. Maybe soon I will post some pictures of it to my blog.


  1. Hepzibah, thank you for stopping by my blog and kindly leaving a comment. If you want to be added to my blogroll, you can leave a comment on the blogroll page that is located on my blog. I'll try to check back here again!

  2. That is such a neat idea! I am so wowed that you got it all finished! I have been drawing paperdolls for about nine years and I have, over that time, made up their own world and stuff and it's actually very complex now. as i get older i keep adding things onto it. i have tried to write a scrapbook type thing on it but haven't got very far. :) there's just so much to write about! but i wish i could see your book, it sounds so inspiring and intriguing! you know, you've given me an idea. i think i want to start a new blog - for my paperdolls. i can write all sort of things about them, just like you write about faeries on your blog. oh i am getting so excited!
    wow you are very inspiring you know. :)
    wow this is like my longest comment ever - check my blogs pretty soon to see my new one, once i've created it!

  3. Cool Brynn! That is so neat! I can't wait to see your paper doll blog! Thank you for the wonderful comment!

  4. your welcome! things are busy over here so i haven't set up one yet but i know i will some time... i'll let you know, seeing as your my inspiration for all this! i am so excited! it will be so fun!

  5. Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog, and thanks for the encouraging comment. :) I love your background; it's absolutely lovely!

    Have a nice evening!

    In Christ,
    ~Miss Rose
