Lonar is a good friend of the fairies in
DorOthea, and at one point she was one.(that's a different story.) She discovered
DorOthea and lived there for a time when she was 11 years old, but now she is older. She discovered another land when she was 17 years old

and fell in love with a knight there.

That land didn't have fairies but it was a land that was stuck in time. Stuck in the time of kings and queens. she ended up in the middle of a battle between good and evil and to her horror her knight was not fighting for what was good. He was fighting for rebellion and hate. But Missy believes she can change the knight, Liam, for better. Liam loves Missy but doesn't understand why she wants him to change. Liam is a Knight in his uncle's army and his uncle raised him as a child to hate the king. Missy finds out from listening in on his uncle's conversation with another rebel knight that he isn't Liam's uncle at all! She hears that Liam's father is the king himself and his uncle (
crevan) tried to kill Liam as a baby as revenge against the king.
Crevan's wife saved Liam and convinced him to raise Liam to hate the king. So Liam spent all 19 years of his young life with complete hatred for the king and destroyed as much of the king's reign as
possible. His father.
Liam realized what Missy found out to be true, and he changed. He took revenge for his father on Crevan and ran a way to meet his father. Liam married Missy and they were prince and princess for a few years before the king gave over his crown to his son. They are now happy as king and queen of the kingdom of Garnock.